
Fort Edmonton Park

Estoy encantada con Canadá. Es un país que te sorprende cada vez mas. 

Esta vez fuimos al Fort Edmonton. Siendo honesta pensé que iba a ser un simple parque, pero para mi realidad fue una experiencia inolvidable. Resulta, que es un remake del tiempo, quiero decir, que entrando al parque te transportas unos 150 años atrás. 


Up in CN Tower

Aunque ese día fue algo triste, inesperado, raro y diferente siempre tendré el maravilloso recuerdo de la soledad y de una ciudad amiga. 


Niagara Falls

Ohh Niagara Im in love with you :)

Es tan overwhelming estar ahí. Quizás no te lo crees y hasta que estas a unos cuantos metros te das cuenta de la intensidad que tiene el río sobre tí. Es una gran oportunidad salir de tu pueblo y conocer lugares como estos. 



China Town

Hey Im quite sad, or maybe Im bored, but I don't really feel like writing my trip. Still I have to otherwise Im going to forget things. For example, the next photos I took them when we went to Chinatown back in Toronto City. It seems to be a huge amout of oriental people in every city in the world. And yes of course this cannot be the expection. 

As usually, they have  EVERYTHING in just one place. Souvenirs, food, clothes, dishes, phones, and I even  found a chinese bank with Canada in brakets. What a mad world. 


Toronto preview

Hola pequeños, 

Aquí dejo algunas de las primeras fotos que tome cuando llegué a Toronto. Me fascine por completo y me tranquilizo al ver que era una ciudad con todo; completa y fácil de manejar. Realmente me podría acostumbrar a este tipo de vida. En fin, tengo mucho mas que escribir sobre mi viaje y las cosas que hize; lo que ha pasado, es decir mis sentimientos, pero ya mañana salgo a Edmonton :S y no tengo tiempo. Hemos salido todos los días y estoy mas que agotada y aun viene el comienzo de todo. 

CN tower


Torre Latinoamericana

Hey girls,

I have had such an amazing time these past days. Since the moment I heard Teacher Salvador tell my name first and untill last Monday, I would never believe I'd be here now. There have been almost 6 months since that very first moment, and I can still remember that feeling; how amazing and overwhelming it was. I mean, I don't really feel proud for myself often. I now I am capable of doing things, but so is other people. However, when I knew I was the first one selected to win the scolarship to go to Canada for the summer I felt somewhat beyond my own skills; beyong of what I thought I could do, and that gave me more confidence.

Now, Im uploading the post in Toronto, a few days before I start school in Edmonton. To be honest I have expectations. I wonder whether I am going to be able to develop there; to be able to socialize with other people who is not familiar or similar to me. I  have always had some issues with that; I see how it is so damn easy for some to talk to someone they don't know, and get along with them that quick. But, for me it takes so much more; therefore, I am really nervous. But, I will continue writing these experience as the days go by because I still have lots of things to write down, and read later on to see what has been the evolution. 

Well, the next pictures are from the day before leaving to Toronto. Im still here with my friend Pris. I can still say that I had such wonderful experience that day. She and I  are used to ask for permission to go out, and if our mother give it to us it does not take that long. We watch movies, hear songs and see how the "teenage dream" is supoused to be, or at least how it would like us to be. So, when we were in Mexico city all by our own, alone and with no one to respond to, we felt freeee!! Therefore, we took the city (well, not literaly) and     try to enjoy it as much as we could. The last post is the first stop we make after figuring out the subway. Because where we live there is no subway, as it is a really small city compare to our capital one. So, the subway was a whole different experience. We were afraid for something bad happend while we were there, but fortunately it didn't. 

By the end of the day, we decided to go up the latinoamerican tower to check the city out in the 40 something floor. The view up there was just amazing; really overwhelming and beautiful. It was a bit chilly, but not that cold. Sitting there with one of my bestest was just a dream come true; a moment in our shorts lives which will never be forgotten; the talk we had, the feeling involved. Being far away from home, being just a few hours to be in another country all by own, being just friends soporting each other. Also, to experience new things, to get out of your comfort zone, to realize the goals we have, to believe in one an other.

I know for some people it is something ordinary, but for a small town girl it is like a dream come true.
Excuse my bad writing; therefore, my bad grammar. 




Hoy fue un día tan genial. Estoy extremadamente feliz con el resultado. Fui con mi amiga Pris a recorrer Chapultepec. Nos subimos al metro, nos perdimos ahí, comimos de todo, caminamos desde lejos, tomamos un millón de fotos, nos reímos de muchas cosas, y nos maravillamos con la ciudad. Aquí les dejo algunas de las fotos. Quedan las del mirador de la  torre Latinoamerica. Impresionante también. La quiero y nunca olvidare esta experiencia. Prometo mas fotos y regresar los posts :)

Mañana nos vamos a las 4 y media al aeropuerto. Eso quiere decir que me quedan 3 horas para dormir. 
N E R V I O S A 


Centro Historico

Hello everybody :) Estoy actualizando desde la ciudad de México; algo lejos de mi casa. Estamos en un hotel muy bonito. La mejor parte es que estamos cerca del centro de la ciudad y tenemos acceso a casi todo. O a menos tenemos cerca las estaciones. Las fotos de hoy son un pequeño adelanto, prometo traer mas pronto. Estas son pocas porque la cámara se me descargo. 

Hicimos un paseo por todo el centro a pie. Entramos a varias iglesias y museos hermosos. El de Agustín de Inturbide es mas  que hermoso. Tiene artesanías de todo México y algunos países latinoamericanos, que son simplemente impresionantes. Todos están hechos a mano y con gran detalle. 

La ciudad de México es muy bonita. <3

I'm posting from Mexico City, something far from home. We are staying in a very nice hotel. The best part is that it is near of the center of the city and we have access to almost everything. 
These photos are a sneak preview from today, I promise to bring more soon. These are few because my camera run out of battery.

I love Mexico city <3 

La vista desde el hotel.